The CORPIQ reports the lack of concrete housing measures and emphasizes the urgency of the situation

The CORPIQ Reports the Urgency of Action on Housing.

The Corporation of Quebec Landlords (CORPIQ) denounces the lack of strength in the government’s housing budget. With a growing deterioration of the real estate market and a shortage of housing, the situation is becoming critical.

A Rental Housing Stock in Distress

The rental housing stock has been suffering from anemic renovation for several years, jeopardizing its sustainability. It is urgent to adjust renovation incentives and modernize the regulatory framework to facilitate access to affordable labour.

Image représentatif de la crise du logement au Québec pour une article de la CORPIQ et de Urban Services, une entreprise de gestion immobilière basée en Outaouais, plus précisément à Gatineau.

Financial Impact on Owners

The costs of owning and managing rental properties are rising, making maintenance and renovation difficult. This situation also affects the construction of new housing, exacerbating the current crisis.

A Positive Signal: the Shelter Allowance Program.

CORPIQ welcomes the extension of the Shelter Allowance Program until 2027, a measure deemed essential for the sector.

Immeuble géré par Urban Services, une entreprise de gestion immobilière basée en Outaouais, plus précisément à Gatineau.

Insufficient Measures to Revive Construction.

Although funds are allocated to the construction of new housing, the CORPIQ believes that these initiatives will not be sufficient to reverse the current trend.

For the full article, please visit the CORPIQ website.
